Comments on writing style by Bing AI Chat

I am trying to get back into blogging regularly, and I thought it’d be interesting to look back at some of the stuff wot I wrote previously. My interests have changed over the years, but – I presume – my writing style hasn’t changed all that much. As I’m attempting to learn about artificial intelligence,…… Continue reading Comments on writing style by Bing AI Chat

If you open stuff up, good stuff happens

This is a slightly edited version of a post originally published on DATA.GOV.UK I rather like the phrase: “Engineering Serendipity” which – as I choose to interpret it – means something like ‘creating conditions which maximise the chances of good stuff happening’. If you’re interested in a fuller discussion of Engineering Serendipity, there’s the excellent…… Continue reading If you open stuff up, good stuff happens

Ghost writing, hubs, and autoawesome

I’ve been blogging off-and-on for a few years. My first post, in December 2011, was on I then briefly tried Tumblr, before settling on this self-hosted WordPress site. It gave me the flexibility I wanted, and tied in quite nicely with projects like BlueLightCamp which also uses WordPress for its web site. The Day job…… Continue reading Ghost writing, hubs, and autoawesome

Drones – opportunity or threat?

Once the purview of the military and spies, ‘unmanned aerial vehicles’ (‘Drones’), are increasingly common. Just hot air? A few months ago the giant online retailer Amazon announced its intention to deliver packages within 30 minutes of customers placing an order. Despite widespread incredulity, Amazon backed this up with footage from test flights, and still…… Continue reading Drones – opportunity or threat?

BlueLight Camp: Post of posts

BlueLight Camp Word Cloud

Planning for BlueLight Camp 2013 is well under way, and more information will be published about the event on the BlueLightCamp site shortly. In the meantime, I thought it worth highlighting some of the articles written about the first BlueLight Camp, held in April 2012. I’ve included a short extract from each post. We’ll be drawing on…… Continue reading BlueLight Camp: Post of posts

Internal Social Media: “Scary Monsters”?

Joined-up thinking ‘Collaboration’, ‘Cooperation’, and ‘Joined-up’ thinking – just a few of the terms used by organisations delivering public services. Authorities who have traditionally done their own thing are finding ways to reduce costs, improve productivity and streamline services. Joint procurements are commonplace, with essential pieces of infrastructure like IT, Accounts and HR increasingly shared across…… Continue reading Internal Social Media: “Scary Monsters”?

Unconferences: Good, Bad or Ugly?

This is the second part of a joint effort by Sasha Taylor and Mark Braggins. In this post we talk about two topics we’re finding difficult to keep entirely separate: #lgovsm (a weekly chat on Twitter for Local Gov social media folk) Unconferences (in particular, variations on Local / GovCamp) We’re struggling because #lgovsm was the…… Continue reading Unconferences: Good, Bad or Ugly?