Pez Machines delivering self-driving cars, and other musings

This is the third instalment in a series of posts about transport in the future. The previous ones are: What does the future hold? [Transport] Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport] I have no idea how many I’ll write on this subject – I’m still digesting comments, accumulating links and reading material, so there may be…… Continue reading Pez Machines delivering self-driving cars, and other musings

Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport]

A few days ago, I blogged: What does the future hold? [Transport], in which I began thinking aloud about what transport might look like in the future. It followed a Twitter conversation with John Murray and Caroline Robinson, and was prompted by Rob Price’s article in Business Insider: Aggressive drivers are going to bully self-driving cars. Damn, forgot Hyperloop… There’s a new development…… Continue reading Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport]

What does the future hold? [Transport]

John Murray shared an interesting article this morning Aggressive drivers are going to bully self-driving cars via @sai — John Murray (@MurrayData) October 23, 2016 The gist of the article is that – whilst autonomous vehicles can be instructed to take obey laws, follow rules, and react to environmental conditions etc – humans could  exploit that ‘weakness’…… Continue reading What does the future hold? [Transport]

Tracks, Maps, and Apps

Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 Landranger Map for iPhone

I got the idea of blogging about maps and apps a couple of weeks ago whilst reading Louise Brown’s fascinating first post for the #weeklyblogclub entitled: “How will I be using technology in 2012”. I’m interested in technology – not for the sake of it – but where it can be used to solve practical…… Continue reading Tracks, Maps, and Apps