If you open stuff up, good stuff happens

This is a slightly edited version of a post originally published on DATA.GOV.UK I rather like the phrase: “Engineering Serendipity” which – as I choose to interpret it – means something like ‘creating conditions which maximise the chances of good stuff happening’. If you’re interested in a fuller discussion of Engineering Serendipity, there’s the excellent…… Continue reading If you open stuff up, good stuff happens

Ghost writing, hubs, and autoawesome

I’ve been blogging off-and-on for a few years. My first post, in December 2011, was on WordPress.com. I then briefly tried Tumblr, before settling on this self-hosted WordPress site. It gave me the flexibility I wanted, and tied in quite nicely with projects like BlueLightCamp which also uses WordPress for its web site. The Day job…… Continue reading Ghost writing, hubs, and autoawesome

Drones – opportunity or threat?

Once the purview of the military and spies, ‘unmanned aerial vehicles’ (‘Drones’), are increasingly common. Just hot air? A few months ago the giant online retailer Amazon announced its intention to deliver packages within 30 minutes of customers placing an order. Despite widespread incredulity, Amazon backed this up with footage from test flights, and still…… Continue reading Drones – opportunity or threat?

Futurology at UKGC14?

UKGC14 I’m writing this just a few days before UKGovCamp 2014, which is on Saturday 25th January 2014. If you’re going and haven’t already read UKGovcamp14: be prepared, do take a look, as it’s the practical info for attendees (including ARRIVE EARLY…BRING COFFEE). Futurology I’ve used ‘Futurology’ in the title of this post, which Finlo Rohrer summarised rather well in his 2010 BBC…… Continue reading Futurology at UKGC14?

UKGovCamp – Looking Forward not Back

Hurray! It’s nearly time for UKGovCamp – the awesome unconference where people from across UK public services give up a day of their own time to share, challenge, innovate, network, and socialise. #UKGC14 This year’s event is on Saturday 25th January, at City Hall, in Southbank, London. It’s organised by: Jane O’Loughlin, Alex Blandford, Sarah Baskerville, Nick…… Continue reading UKGovCamp – Looking Forward not Back


This isn’t a ‘how-to’ blog post at all. I just wanted to use the title. UKGovCamp13: A Fab event Steph and Dave did their usual marvellous job, making UKGovCamp appear effortless, with it passing off without a hitch (well, second time round). Lloyd Davis kept everyone in order and provided entertainment; ‘Fingers’ Cattell typed like…… Continue reading HOW TO GET AHEAD IN GOVCAMPING

Blue Light Camp: Coming in from the cold

It’s been a bit quiet on the BlueLightCamp blog recently. Apart from Sasha’s post last week, nothing since November. But that doesn’t mean no activity – on the contrary. Hartley Wintney fire brigade members on board their fire engine in around 1935. Source: calm.hants.gov.uk via Mark on Pinterest Wheels are turning Axles are being greased,…… Continue reading Blue Light Camp: Coming in from the cold

Getting the measure of social media

Tweets - why measure?

Must we measure? In November, Emer Coleman asked: Social media – Must we measure? In a fascinating post, Emer discusses how tricky it is to present the benefits of social media in traditional business cases. Emer argues that: Making a business case to use these channels is like making a business case to read the newspaper; it…… Continue reading Getting the measure of social media

Doing more with digital

Uk GovCamp It’s just over a year since I attended THE annual event for people interested in public sector digital tech: UK GovCamp. I raved blogged about it here. According to organisers Steph Gray (Helpful Technology) and Dave Briggs (KindofDigital): UKGovcamp is the free, annual ‘unconference’ for people interested in how the public sector does…… Continue reading Doing more with digital

BlueLight Camp: Post of posts

BlueLight Camp Word Cloud

Planning for BlueLight Camp 2013 is well under way, and more information will be published about the event on the BlueLightCamp site shortly. In the meantime, I thought it worth highlighting some of the articles written about the first BlueLight Camp, held in April 2012. I’ve included a short extract from each post. We’ll be drawing on…… Continue reading BlueLight Camp: Post of posts