BlueLightCamp: Weekend Camping (Pt1)

First thing in the morning on Sunday 15th April there was barely a cloud in the sky above Manchester. The sun shone, the sky was blue, and I was off camping.  It was a few miles walk to the camp site, so I left my hotel early to make absolutely certain I was there on-time.…… Continue reading BlueLightCamp: Weekend Camping (Pt1)

A ‘Sociable’ Enterprise?

Last week, in a post for Weekly Blog Club, I wrote about the new iPad, and how I use it for work. Phil Jewitt kindly mentioned my post on Twitter, and a we chatted about how weeklyblogclubbers possess all sorts of qualities which, if combined, could be pretty powerful. The term “sociable enterprise” cropped-up in the conversation, and…… Continue reading A ‘Sociable’ Enterprise?

Ten (more) of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter

A couple of months ago I blogged about ten of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter. I didn’t – and still don’t – pretend to have any great expertise but, as I’d tried a bunch of different products, I thought it worth sharing some of the better ones I was aware of. Since…… Continue reading Ten (more) of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter

LocalGovCampNW (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a post about LocalGovCampNW, an unconference held in Preston on 4th February. It’s the second instalment, as last week I ran out of time, and had to get something in by midday on Thursday to meet Weekly Blog Club’s deadline. I was interested in most of the session pitches but, sadly, could only attend…… Continue reading LocalGovCampNW (Part 2)

Preston is a nice place. Oh, and Local Gov Camp North West (Part 1)

Crafting the agenda at LocalGovCampNW

Preston & LocalGovCampNW (Part 1) On Saturday I attended Local Gov Camp North West, or #LocalGovCampNW as it’s known on Twitter. Whilst it’s only a couple of weeks since UK GovCamp, I couldn’t resist going along, even though it’s quite a trek from Hampshire to Preston. I travelled up by train on Friday evening. There…… Continue reading Preston is a nice place. Oh, and Local Gov Camp North West (Part 1)

Camping without the tents: UK GovCamp 2012

I spent Friday and Saturday in London at UK GovCamp 2012, or #UKGC12 as it’s known on Twitter. It was an “unconference” with no prepared agenda. If you aren’t familiar with unconferences, Steph Gray gives a good description in his November 2011 article in The Guardian. It amazes me that so many people are willing to give…… Continue reading Camping without the tents: UK GovCamp 2012

Drumalism – great new app from @SemanticTourist

Steve Peters aka @SemanticTourist describes himself on Twitter as an: “Open Data enthusiast and LinkedData fan; armchair developer…” In a great example of that armchair development – in his spare time over Christmas – he’s put together an excellent app which draws together hyperlocal media sites and feeds, Twitter &  Facebook for local authorities. He…… Continue reading Drumalism – great new app from @SemanticTourist