Pez Machines delivering self-driving cars, and other musings

This is the third instalment in a series of posts about transport in the future. The previous ones are: What does the future hold? [Transport] Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport] I have no idea how many I’ll write on this subject – I’m still digesting comments, accumulating links and reading material, so there may be…… Continue reading Pez Machines delivering self-driving cars, and other musings

Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport]

A few days ago, I blogged: What does the future hold? [Transport], in which I began thinking aloud about what transport might look like in the future. It followed a Twitter conversation with John Murray and Caroline Robinson, and was prompted by Rob Price’s article in Business Insider: Aggressive drivers are going to bully self-driving cars. Damn, forgot Hyperloop… There’s a new development…… Continue reading Thinking aloud: Back to the Future [of Transport]

What does the future hold? [Transport]

John Murray shared an interesting article this morning Aggressive drivers are going to bully self-driving cars via @sai — John Murray (@MurrayData) October 23, 2016 The gist of the article is that – whilst autonomous vehicles can be instructed to take obey laws, follow rules, and react to environmental conditions etc – humans could  exploit that ‘weakness’…… Continue reading What does the future hold? [Transport]

Futurology at UKGC14?

UKGC14 I’m writing this just a few days before UKGovCamp 2014, which is on Saturday 25th January 2014. If you’re going and haven’t already read UKGovcamp14: be prepared, do take a look, as it’s the practical info for attendees (including ARRIVE EARLY…BRING COFFEE). Futurology I’ve used ‘Futurology’ in the title of this post, which Finlo Rohrer summarised rather well in his 2010 BBC…… Continue reading Futurology at UKGC14?