Isle Lights

This is the fourth in a series of posts about a recent trip to Orkney. Previous posts: Covered my visit from a personal perspective Talked about Northern BlueLightCamp; and A mini-post with an interactive Puffin-shaped word cloud This post covers some of the Island GovCamp sessions which took place over the weekend. Blogs and articles…… Continue reading Isle Lights

Puffin Island (IslandGovCamp)

Puffin word cloud from Tagul

There was barely a cloud in the sky during the whole of IslandGovCamp. Gorgeous weather prevailed throughout. In the absence of real clouds, I decided to make one instead and make it colourful and interactive. Most of the words are clickable and lead to further information. It’s only a gimmick, but might briefly entertain and /…… Continue reading Puffin Island (IslandGovCamp)

BlueLightCamp: Weekend Camping (Pt1)

First thing in the morning on Sunday 15th April there was barely a cloud in the sky above Manchester. The sun shone, the sky was blue, and I was off camping.  It was a few miles walk to the camp site, so I left my hotel early to make absolutely certain I was there on-time.…… Continue reading BlueLightCamp: Weekend Camping (Pt1)

Camping without the tents: UK GovCamp 2012

I spent Friday and Saturday in London at UK GovCamp 2012, or #UKGC12 as it’s known on Twitter. It was an “unconference” with no prepared agenda. If you aren’t familiar with unconferences, Steph Gray gives a good description in his November 2011 article in The Guardian. It amazes me that so many people are willing to give…… Continue reading Camping without the tents: UK GovCamp 2012