Planning a Trip to Exmouth Beach? Check Pollution Alerts First

The sun reflected on the water off Exmouth beach

I recently wrote a blogpost Beaches by train: Exmouth which talks about one of my favourite beaches near to where I live in East Devon.

I’m following-up with a caveat, as there have been a series of pollution incidents, causing Exmouth to be in the news for all the wrong reasons.

I first became aware of the issues in January, when there was a large spill, but also much more recently, and mitigation measures are still taking place at the moment. See:

Exmouth incident (South West Water 2nd September 2024 update)

The following diagram shows the water network and the work that is taking place (diagram from the South West Water update)

Water network and the work that is taking place (from South West Water)

Exmouth is a lovely seaside town, and I still heartily recommend it as a destination. That said, if you are considering visiting the beach, I suggest checking for pollution alerts and current water quality status before going in the water.

Sadly, as I write this post – on Monday 2nd September 2024 – bathing is not advised due to the ongoing pollution incident. You can check directly at: and Surfers Against Sewage also have an excellent interactive map.

Screenshot from the 2024 Bathing Water Profile for Exmouth

Lastly – there’s more to Exmouth than the beach

Despite the above, Exmouth is a lovely town, with lots going for it. Take a look at the Visit Exmouth web site for lots of information about what else the town has to offer. Hopefully the pollution incident will soon be resolved once and for all.

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By Mark Braggins

Walking, usually with my two ex-racing greyhounds. Interested in lots of stuff. Retired from paid work

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