New Starts and Looking Forward

Right. No more excuses. There are only so many times I can sharpen and rearrange my metaphorical pencils. This is my first blog post for 2012. Or, to put it another way, my fifth blog post ever. It’s dedicated to the weekly blogging club which Dan Slee suggested setting up to encourage lapsed bloggers to get back in…… Continue reading New Starts and Looking Forward

Twitter Down

How ironic. I finally start blogging and my first couple of posts are both about Twitter. This coincides nicely with Twitter being down “for maintenance”

Ten of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter

I’ve been tweeting for just over a year during which time I’ve tried a variety of tools for reporting and analysis. Some have been quite impressive, but many have been pretty awful. Here’s a quick look at ten of my favourites.  It’s only a small selection of what’s available – there are loads of others…… Continue reading Ten of my favourite reporting and analysis tools for Twitter